Nelson Splash!

Nelson Splash! opened on Saturday here in A-town and it is bad-a. Dex and I have been twice and we lurve urt! Well. To be perfectly honest I love it more than Dex. I don’t mean to go all, “in my day…” on the little guy but seriously… Abilene is getting kinda cool. Growing up here, I always heard rumors of a waterpark that never came. Which is almost as torturous as hearing the ice-cream truck that never passed or having an obsession with kitties and a mom who is allergic to them. 

*High Five* Abilenians for making dreams come true for all the future little ones! You even threw in the creepster ice-cream truck man, kudos.



6 responses to “Nelson Splash!

  1. What about the Abercrombie rumor? I waited a good 5 years for that, and truly believed it would happen. I’d rather have Nelson Splash!

  2. Best thing about splash parks—your kids can’t drown.
    Best thing about Dex ( well, ONE of the best things)—his awesome perfect-color-of-red hair.

  3. Tressie, I just read this again and got really sad because Dex looks like such a big kid out there with all the other kids. I think it’s also cause when his hair is wet, his adorable baby curls don’t show.

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