Holiday Recap

Screenshot 2016-01-31 10.07.01 Well, since it’s been over a month, I guess it’s time to do a holiday recap. This year was the best so far. We started out the Christmas season with a trip to the local tree farm where we bought our Christmas tree and two other little trees to plant in our yard (Rose named the little ones Chris and Frozen). We love going to the tree farm. I wish we had reasons to go more than once a year. It’s beautiful out there and our kids have so much fun running around and exploring. It would have easily been an all day outing if we’d remembered to bring snacks. Maybe next year. But since next year there will be another kid, I doubt I’ll be remembering much of anything. Screenshot 2016-01-31 10.06.45 We had lots and lots of family time, and we didn’t have to travel at all. It was so nice. And the weather wasn’t at all Christmas-y, which normally I’d hate, but this year it was perfectly fine. I was still feeling pretty sick most of the time (just pregnancy, nothing serious), so letting the kids run around outside was awesome. We were all spoiled with gifts we love, and we ate way more than we should have. But it was perfect. Screenshot 2016-01-31 10.06.35 Rose got exactly what she wanted for Christmas this year. She started asking for a pogo stick and a can-do spirit (that’s what she calls helmets…we don’t know why) in June, and was consistent with that request until she talked to Santa. He assured her that he already had those one his sleigh and he’d make sure she got them on Christmas morning. She was super excited. She also asked for a very big princess dress. Her list was simple and easy this year. And by the end of Christmas day, she was completely worn out. It ended up getting cold a couple of days later and we even had a little snow! We played hard and again, wore ourselves out.Screenshot 2016-01-31 10.06.22 Oliver didn’t really understand Christmas this year so we had to wing it with his gifts. Santa brought him a battery-operated car that he loves (yay!) and a can-do spirit that he doesn’t really love at all. He looks super cute in it though. He liked the snow a little more this year than he did last year, but he still isn’t crazy about it. He hates wearing gloves and hats, so he gets pretty uncomfortable within a few minutes of being outside. I was totally fine with staying inside the warm house with him. We had fun watching the snow fall from the couch.

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